
Just a quick update

Nothing much has really changed in the past couple of weeks since my last post. A few things have happened - like all of us catching the flu and another doctors visit.
First the story about the doctor...

I have been going to a clinic about an hour away from where I live since I first found out I was pregnant. I had decided to find a doctor that was closer. After several tries of calling offices and leaving messages with automated secretaries and not getting any call-backs - or even a live person to talk to me, I found one closer to my area. I scheduled an appointment with the new doctor, who is only 15 minutes away. So the day of my appointment, I arrive half an hour early - knowing I will more than likely spend a period of time filling out paperwork for new patients. I walk in, sign in and am directed to to the waiting room (which was a little difficult to find). This is one office of a few in the same building - not easily navigated around. There were all these pieces of paper taped to the walls saying "No Entry Past This Point" or "Check With Front Desk Before Proceeding" or "Employees Only". I finally found the waiting room and had a seat.

There were about 6-7 other women already there, waiting. One of them was called in about 30 minutes later. I was listening to the conversations going on in the room. It seemed as if everyone knew each other there - which is normal in the small community where I live. They were talking abut their appointment times and the doctor not ever being on time and so on and so forth. A lot of it sounded gossipy, but I had already been waiting over 45 minutes without so much as an acknowledgement from any member of the staff, and having the flu at the time - I was rather impatient. One of the women there was still waiting on her 9:30am appointment. It was now 11:45am. There were still 5 women in front of me - waiting on their appointments. No one was being called to be seen. I thought that maybe they were just running behind - but according to the "gossip" - the doctor never even shows up to that office until after 10:00am (even when there are 9:00am appointments). I really don't understand that. I also don't understand why - on a regular basis - these women would wait around that long. I don't think that most of them had a job that they were taking time out from like I was.

After about 2 hours of waiting - I decided I had had enough and got up and left. I had left my appointment for a couple days later with my original clinic active just in case I didn't like the doctor. Turns out - the time I would have taken to go to the appointment an hour away (and an hour back) would have taken less time than the doctor 15 minutes away. RIDICULOUS!!!!! So - I am still with the clinic I started out with... really no complaints with them anyways - other than the distance... but I think that I can live with that.

I will save our flu story for another post...