
Big vs. Little

Big Brother likes to show the little one just how small he is!! :) Not really -
- but I love to see how much fun they have together!


Long time no see!!!!

Well - being a mother of a newborn has taken a toll on me. I have an amazing, wonderful, fantastic newborn Little One - but alas - I am still lacking in the sleep department. He is well behaved, doesn't cry unless he is in need of a diaper change or hungry, but we have yet to master sleeping through the night. I think my Munchkin spoiled me... he may have been a little fussier overall - but he slept through the night from an early age.

At five months of age, I really don't remember having an issue with my Munchkin not sleeping all night. Could it possibly be that I didn't have a baby monitor for him & I just didn't know if he was really sleeping the night? There are times that I want to shut my Little One's monitor off (and guilty of doing so a couple of times). Does that make me a bad person? Well - the answer is "No! - It does not make me a bad person." I didn't have a monitor for my first so why have I become a slave to it for my second. I know that there are times when my Little One is fussing and would probably fall back asleep if I hadn't gone in to check on him - but hearing his cries through the monitor get the best of me.

I believe that I am to blame for my own lack of sleep. I don't know if it is because I am older and am more aware of the "hidden dangers" lurking out there; or if in this age of immediate information from the internet I have become more of a paranoid mother. Either way... I need to just go back to the "old fashioned" way of rearing my Little One that worked so well with my Munchkin.

Sweet Dreams!


2 months - Already!

I can't believe that it's been over 8 weeks since my little one was born. We have a doctor's appointment scheduled for next week - 2 month check-up and shots...
That's one of the things I hate about being a parent - the hurt of your little one when they get their shots. With my oldest - I think I cried almost as much as he did when he got his shots. I hope I can hold myself together a little better this time around. You know - when you are young - you never believe your parents when they tell you that something that hurts you hurts them more.
It's the old cliche - "This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you."
and it does.


He's here!

My little one
8lbs 6oz
20 1/4 inches
Welcome to the world!
He was the best Christmas present!
He and his big brother get along GREAT!
and his personality is already showing through!