
2 months - Already!

I can't believe that it's been over 8 weeks since my little one was born. We have a doctor's appointment scheduled for next week - 2 month check-up and shots...
That's one of the things I hate about being a parent - the hurt of your little one when they get their shots. With my oldest - I think I cried almost as much as he did when he got his shots. I hope I can hold myself together a little better this time around. You know - when you are young - you never believe your parents when they tell you that something that hurts you hurts them more.
It's the old cliche - "This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you."
and it does.


He's here!

My little one
8lbs 6oz
20 1/4 inches
Welcome to the world!
He was the best Christmas present!
He and his big brother get along GREAT!
and his personality is already showing through!