
I am definitely learning a new language...

My Little One has developed one very similar to English.  It usually still needs a little bit of translation, but here is just a small list of Trent-isms which I have been keeping track of:

Boops = Boots

Fa-fa = Frog

Fwaaaaaak = Quack (what a duck says)

Da-bi-da = This is what he says for a game on his dads phone - Stupid Zombies

Fafee = Coffee

Faffur = Cracker

Ka-kit = Jacket

And I have saved the best for last:

La Lu = I love you (the best ever!!!!)

This is only a very short list of what he is saying - but these are the ones that stand out to me!  I know most toddlers develop a language of their own.  It has been so long since my Munchkin was that little.  It's like I have said before - I'm starting all over again and everything is new!  I'm enjoying it like the first time again!  12 years is a long time and my memory has never been the best anyways!