
Yes, I am still alive.

As usual, I haven't posted in a while.  I had a post just about ready to go a little while back, but kinda just forgot about it.  Not having a computer and internet at home limits what I can write about and when I can write.  I am hoping to change that soon.  Sneaking a post or two in at work every few months doesn't really work.  I'm not even sure what I intended to write in this post.

Let's see...

Here is a bit of an update...

My latest obsession - Pinterest - yeah - I know I will probably never do even close to half of the projects and recipes that I have pinned on there, but it's fun to look at all the pretty pictures!

The boys are getting bigger...  I don't know if I ever mentioned it before, but we have my oldest sons friend living with us now.  So that makes two fourteen year olds and one two year old all rampaging through the house.  Teenage boy hormones & the terrible two's is the norm for our household.  AAAAARGGGGGHHH!  No wonder I have been noticing new gray hairs!

I am actually trying new recipes.  Well - one - and I am trying it tonight.  Let's see how that one goes!  Maybe next post I will get a picture of what we ate!  I am a wanna-be foodie!  I just wish that the rest of my household liked something more than chili dogs & spaghetti.

Well, my mind is about spent (doesn't take much now-a-days) - so for now - OVER & OUT!

hey! I just figured out my next post!  Gotta wait & see!