

Just a quick post here... I have another doctors appointment (regular check-up) next week - so I will post again after that (if not something sooner).
I am finally feeling the baby moving around quite a bit! This one is a kicker, as where his big brother was a stretcher! I can even see when he is kicking now. He lets me know when he likes something - or more often - when he doesn't like something!!! Place-kicker, soccer player, or boxer - I'm not sure which one of these might fit him the best - but he has strength behind him already!! I am guessing that he is going to be born just a little early... that's my gut feeling.
Overall, I am feeling pretty good on a daily basis. No more morning sickness or any type of nausea. I'm not as tired as I was during the day before. I am becoming a little short of breath more often, along with the heartburn and indigestion - but all this is to be expected.
I am getting more and more excited as the date gets closer. I have started a registry (which is new to me - I didn't register last time) and I am getting a baby shower thrown for me in November!
I am probably going to get the nursery cleaned out starting this weekend. Well - at least started to clean the room out! I have a list of things I want to do in the room - but it needs to be emptied of the "junk" first. Weekend project - but wait - won't be this weekend - we have back to school shopping to do!!! So - it will be put off yet another week! I still have time!!! :)


Growing baby bump

I had my munchkin take a couple pictures of my new and ever-growing belly last week. These are of me at 19 weeks.
I am now at the half-way mark - 20 weeks.
It seems like the due date is so far off - but when I start thinking of the things that we need to get done - it really doesn't seem like there is going to be enough time to get everything done. I am hoping the second half of my pregnancy goes as well as the first half - or like the second half of my first pregnancy! I am getting a sneaking feeling that this one is going to be a little early, but only time will tell.
I really need to come up with a list of the things that still need to be done or that we need to get. I know that I have been through this once before, but I have to keep reminding myself that it was almost 12 years ago, and as I get old (hahaha) I tend to forget things! I also have to remember that it will be the holiday season when this one is going to come into the world - from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Years. That means I have to try to get the baby things done before the mad holiday rush starts. So - in my strange way of thinking about things - I really only have a couple months to get the baby things finished. The thing about this is that we haven't even really started yet. I believe that everything will turn out okay, though.