
Yes - I have been lazy about my postings

Well, I know I have been lacking posts to this site... Things tend to get busy right when I get a chance to sit down and spend some time on a new post. I have had two doctors appointments since my last post and all is normal and uneventful. I am glad about this at this point! Uneventful is a good thing. Just the normal aches and pains of having something growing exponentially inside your uterus. I have now reached the time frame where I get to go see the doctor every two weeks instead of once a month. I have been going to the clinic an hour away, but have decided that I would like to find a doctor who is a little closer and a little more personal. This also gives me the option of going to a hospital that is not 2 hours away! My appointment today was with the clinic. My first appointment with the new doctor is scheduled for October 5th. I feel like I haven't even started getting ready for our new arrival. It seems like there is forever left - but I know there isn't.
I also have a few people asking about photos... I hate pictures of myself normally and pregnancy pictures are probably the very bottom of the list for pics of myself that I dislike!
I don't have any taken just yet - so I am going to have to get my Munchkin to take some and post them... as much as I don't want to - but this is kinda why I started this blog - to try and keep everyone updated with our progress!
So - stay tuned...

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