
Where has the time gone?

Wow!  It is almost December.  This year has flown by.  Last post was the first day of school.  Definitely time for another one.

Little One got to see Santa last night.  I was dreading it because he can be very unpredictable.  We went to the Christmas parade.  There were cartoon characters which he knows that he refused to even go near!  So after over an hour wait in line, I was worried that either he would run screaming when we got to the front of the line or he would throw an all-out toddler fit before we got there.  Much to my surprise, neither happened!    He went right up to Santa, gave him a high five & did the usual tell me what you want speech.  He even did his HAPPY when I took the picture!
Santa 2012
My Munchkin decided he was too old for Santa pics.  

I'm 15 mother.
We had a good time though, even though Munchkin abandoned us at the beginning of the Santa line!

Christmas is approaching too fast!!  Plus Little One turns THREE a few days before! Where has this year gone?

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