
And it's a ...... !!!!!

Yesterday I had my ultrasound and genetic counseling.

The genetic counseling consisted of going over my family history back to my grandparents and my man's family history also. They were getting information put together to assess a risk factor for any birth defects that could be possible since I am a high risk pregnancy. The only risk that they were able to come up with was my age! 35 is the age where pregnancies turn to the high-risk category and I just turned 35 a week and a half ago.

Other than that - everything is great!

The ultrasound was what they call a detailed ultrasound. It takes (or in my case it took) over an hour to look at everything they need to examine. They look at what seems like a hundred views of the heart, check the heart rate, count fingers and toes and finally - tell us the gender! They also mentioned that the baby was the size of a baby a week further along than I am. (19 weeks 4 days vs. 18 weeks 4 days) It might be an early baby!


My munchkin is so happy to be having a little brother. I think that he was worried that it would be a girl because his dad was "positive" it was a girl. I was actually leaning towards the girl aspect too... but didn't really have any definite idea.

Now we can finally get names going and buy clothes and get the nursery ready.


one more week...

I have anxiously been awaiting my ultrasound appointment scheduled for next Monday... One more week until I find out if it's a boy or a girl. Last night the baby moved (maybe?) and my stomach felt strange (not in a bad way). I made a noise and rubbed my belly. My Munchkin laughed and made the remark "He kicked you!". Then he walked past me and said "That's right - I said HE." I think he has made it clear on where he stands on what he thinks (wants) the baby to be. My man - on the other hand - believes it's going to be a girl. (Along with a few others). I still am up in the air - I don't have any definite feelings either way. I think that is a little strange because with my son - I "KNEW" he was a boy pretty much from the beginning. It was just a gut feeling I had. This time, though, I go from one to the other and back again... and no - I don't think it's twins - they only heard one heartbeat so far and nobody but the one showed up on the first ultrasound! :)
All I know is that either way - the baby will be able to say..........


Appointment Updates

I had 2 appointments earlier this week.

On Monday - I finally had the ultrasound done that they cancelled and rescheduled the week before I had gone on vacation. According to the ultrasound, I am right on track as to where we had suspected. The nurse said that we were within a week of the original due date - and they don't change anything if it's within a week - so my due date is still December 24th, 2009.


My second appointment was Wednesday - which was just my regular check-up. The did the usual - weight and pee in a cup. I also opted to take the blood test for the possibility of Downs Syndrome. I think that with all this talk about me being at "THE MAGIC AGE" - they have me a little more cautious than normal. Everything at this appointment was also normal. I got to hear the heartbeat again - which was a little fast at 161 b/m (I asked, and 120-160 is average).


I have 2 more appointments scheduled for the end of the month. On the 27th I have to go to the genetic counseling appointment along with the second ultrasound. By then - I should be just about 19-20 weeks. They should (hopefully) be able to tell the sex of the baby then! They told me that this was the "big one". The genetic counseling is - again - because I am "THE MAGIC AGE". From what I can tell - they just take a detailed family history and explain any possible risks concerning the baby and myself. This is going to be a full day for appointments. It is almost a 2 hour drive to where the appointment is scheduled for and with 2 appointments, it's going to take a while. The counseling is at 11:00am and the ultrasound is at 1:00pm. I hope this goes more smoothly than the 2 hour wait for the first ultrasound.
The bottom pic is the best one! You can see the baby's head to the right. The center pic is a leg and toes and the top pic is supposed to be of the face (which I cannot see on my copy) - this scan is a little hard to see. Hopefully I get better at this or the pics get better as they go along.
The other appointment is scheduled for July 30th. This is just the regular monthly check-up.
As far as how I have been feeling - I can definitely say I have been feeling much better. The nausea is practically non-existent. I am feeling strange pulls in my belly - but I am told this is normal as my insides are making room for baby. I am able to make it through the full day (mostly) without being overly tired. I can't feel the baby moving just yet (unless I am confusing the gas with the baby!) I am BARELY fitting in my pre-prego pants - unzipped with a rubber band is about it. Thank goodness for hand-me-downs! I got a LOAD of maternity clothes from my sisters (one with a 3-month old and one with a 19-month old). Plus a lot more baby stuff is on the way! Have I said that I LOVE hand-me-downs!
The next step is to get the spare "junk" room cleaned up and start getting it ready to be the baby's new room. This is probably going to be the hardest task to accomplish (it's the daddy's "play" room - where his electronics and gadgets collect). I don't think he is ready to find a new home for his toys just yet. Honestly, though - we do have a little time to get this done - so I haven't put the pressure on just yet. I think it may end up being a task I have to tackle alone - he hates putting his things away! :)
I think that after our vacation to visit the family last week, the Munchkin has become a little more accepting the fact that he is going to be a big brother. He got a little practice in with his new baby cousin. Plus - he is poking my belly and saying "Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle" and laughing. Whatever makes him comfortable! Gotta love it!