
And it's a ...... !!!!!

Yesterday I had my ultrasound and genetic counseling.

The genetic counseling consisted of going over my family history back to my grandparents and my man's family history also. They were getting information put together to assess a risk factor for any birth defects that could be possible since I am a high risk pregnancy. The only risk that they were able to come up with was my age! 35 is the age where pregnancies turn to the high-risk category and I just turned 35 a week and a half ago.

Other than that - everything is great!

The ultrasound was what they call a detailed ultrasound. It takes (or in my case it took) over an hour to look at everything they need to examine. They look at what seems like a hundred views of the heart, check the heart rate, count fingers and toes and finally - tell us the gender! They also mentioned that the baby was the size of a baby a week further along than I am. (19 weeks 4 days vs. 18 weeks 4 days) It might be an early baby!


My munchkin is so happy to be having a little brother. I think that he was worried that it would be a girl because his dad was "positive" it was a girl. I was actually leaning towards the girl aspect too... but didn't really have any definite idea.

Now we can finally get names going and buy clothes and get the nursery ready.

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