
I am definitely learning a new language...

My Little One has developed one very similar to English.  It usually still needs a little bit of translation, but here is just a small list of Trent-isms which I have been keeping track of:

Boops = Boots

Fa-fa = Frog

Fwaaaaaak = Quack (what a duck says)

Da-bi-da = This is what he says for a game on his dads phone - Stupid Zombies

Fafee = Coffee

Faffur = Cracker

Ka-kit = Jacket

And I have saved the best for last:

La Lu = I love you (the best ever!!!!)

This is only a very short list of what he is saying - but these are the ones that stand out to me!  I know most toddlers develop a language of their own.  It has been so long since my Munchkin was that little.  It's like I have said before - I'm starting all over again and everything is new!  I'm enjoying it like the first time again!  12 years is a long time and my memory has never been the best anyways! 


The next chapter

I am not very sure what I want this blog to be about.  Being a mommy, my kids, wonderful tips for the working mother, what it's like to be likened to Martha Stewart... 

There is no way I could ever be anything even close to Martha Stewart and I am struggling myself as a working mother - so my advice on that would not be very helpful to anyone...

I started this to keep a sort of journal while I was pregnant.  My Little One is now 22 months old.
So what now?
I do love being a MOM and I do love my kids.  So that is what this will (might) be a blog about! 

Sometimes, though - I like to ramble (hence this post!!)
So you never know what to expect...  especially since I just decided to stop posting to my other blog - which was where I did a lot of my ramblings... 

So - if you are reading this - thank you!!!  and welcome to my craziness!!!!


Potty Training

I am trying to figure out the best way to start potty training my Little One.

He is 21 months old and has shown an interest in the potty, knows when he has dirtied his diaper, and is very uncomfortable when he wets his diaper.  Plus he like playing with the rolls of toilet paper!

The grown-up potty we have in the house is one of the higher-rise ones.  He can't quite get up on it by himself yet.  I have a small step stool that I used for Big Brother when he was little that I can bring in.  I am leaning towards getting him his own potty, though.  I know that he is very independent and likes to do things on his own.  I think that the training potty would probably be the best idea for him (also - since we have the one bathroom - it's already hard competing for bathroom time!) 

Now to decide on which potty to get. 
The music playing one that cheers? 
The insert that fits over the grown-up seat?
The simple, no-frills attached one?

We will just have to see.  I am going to start buying the training pants and see how it goes from there.  I know daddy had a big part in training Big Brother, and hopefully it goes as smoothly.


Hot as H - E - Double Hockey Sticks!!!!!!

It has been ridiculously hot around here this past month!  Along with the heat - it has been incredibly dry.  Our rain totals are a couple of feet shy of our normal rainfall.  So the way we have found to try to keep cool is by going to the river.  It is so shallow that it doesn't get much deeper than chest-high around most of the area we go to.  The sandbar (which is maybe kneedeep at the most) goes out close to 3/4 of the way across and then there is a small "drop-off" (chest high).  Don't let it fool you though.  The current is still pretty strong. 
A woman that was there yesterday was swimming up-river from us and got caught in the current.  Luckily my hubby was able to catch her and bring her back to the sandbar.  She said it was her first time there and she didn't know how the river would be.  You can never underestimate the power of nature!  Even though it looks calm - looks can be very deceiving! 

That is just a little off tangent of where this story was going, but I guess that's alright! 
We have been enjoying our time at the river cooling off.  It's relaxing to sit there in the water and sun watching the kids play!  It definitely beats parking our butts in front of the TV sitting in the A/C.  There is still plenty of river time left, too, even though school has started back up.  We still have weekends!





Boys and Their Toys

A couple of weekends ago, I decided it was time to clean out my Munchkins closet (a little at a time). He has several BIG plastic totes that we used to use as toy boxes. These totes haven't been touched in a couple of years - they just sit at the back of his closet with other junk piled on top. SOOOOO - I had him pull one out so we could go through it and throw away things that needed to be thrown away and hand down the toys that were still salvageable. 3/4 of the contents was trash - old, broken crayons, pencil shavings, broken popsicle sticks, pieces of plastic from toys that we couldn't quite figure out, and just JUNK really. We were able to save a few toys though - and I am pretty sure that the missing parts to some of the ones we found are still in one of the other totes. Big Brother had to show Little Brother the in's and out's of playing with his old toys! I haven't gotten around to cleaning out any more totes. Maybe it would be a good project for this weekend. This is going to be the last free weekend for a few weeks and I would REALLY like to get it done. Let's see if the motivation sticks with me until then!


My Munchkin

Looking at these pictures, it's hard to believe that my munchkin is a teenager. He still has that cute little innocent look. Big blue eyes, golden blonde curls.

My cherub.

My angel.

My heart!




I know... I know... As usual I am falling behind on getting anything posted about my kiddos! There is not too much going on it seems though, but it seems that we are always busy!

Summertime is here and the munchkin is out of school. Because he is a teenager - he gets to stay home "alone". (quotation marks because my neighbor is within 50 feet of us and she keeps tabs on him)

The little one is staying in daycare though. If daddy is home during the day - he gets to spend a day or two at the house running with the "big boys".

We are just a few weeks into summer and have been trying to keep the boys occupied. Since I work during the week - most of what we are able to do is on the weekends (when I am not cleaning the house after not touching it all week).

We have had a crawfish boil,

hung out at the pool,

spent time at the river,

taken rides in daddy's new toy through the woods,

had a houseful of teenage boys,

went to the mud races

but that is pretty much it.

So far it has been a pretty good summer! We still have a few more things we would like to do - needing to plan a camping trip along with one we have going on around the end of July, have family coming in to visit - possibly a water park then, and I would still like to make it out to the beach once or twice.

Maybe this long weekend will be eventful... Nothing planned just yet - but I think I am going to try and get the ball rolling to get out of the house!



Easter was an experiment this year, to say the least. It is the first one where my little one can somewhat understand the concept of the Easter Egg Hunt. We did one at the house, and had big brother help show him the ropes!

Big brother coloring eggs!

Little one colored his egg too!

and the hunt was on!

Thank you Easter Bunny!! Bock Bock!!!



As a parent, I sometimes feel guilty for the things we put our children through... but not this one!!! He kept wanting MORE!!!


Wow! Time is flying by!!

I cant believe how fast time is flying by!

(and also how long it's been since my last post...)
So - my little one has gone through some MAJOR changes in the past 4 months...

from crawling

to standing

to walking

to running

to driving -

(driving me crazy, that is!!)
He is definitely a handful!
One example - this morning while I was getting ready and was in the bathroom for less than a couple minutes - he managed to get the trashcan from the kitchen turned over on its side, the bag of trash removed from the inside, (luckily there was very minimal trash in the bag) and was straddled over the can riding it!
This child has no fear!
Does not fear the dark!
Does not fear heights!
Does not fear punishment! (on the contrary - he CHALLENGES any punishment)
He is just shy of 14 months old.
I guess I had it easy with my first one. He was a relaxed, kick-back, cuddle bug!
This one is fire all the way!!!
I wouldn't have it any other way though!
♥ I love my boys! ♥