
Vacation time!

I am taking a bit of a vacation next week - even though I am not going to be able to make it to my reunion.  Just going to have to wait and see if we do a 25 year reunion!

(yeah - I know - I'm old - shut up!)

I don't know if this would be considered a "stay-cation" or what.  I am taking 3 days off from work so we can do something as a family before the summer is completely over.  So far the general consensus for an activity is camping down at the beach - which is what I have been wanting to do all summer! I think we might be able to manage this.  We already have our tent & coolers & chairs & all the swim gear & most of the camping gear.  The beach is maybe an hour drive from home, so we don't have to worry about gas.  All I have to figure out now is how long I actually want to live in that tent with the kiddos, especially once the newness of camping wears off.   I know I could live on the beach almost indefinitely, but trying to keep the boys entertained is a different story.  So we still haven't completely committed to this beach camping trip just yet.  If this is what we decide to do, I just hope I am given more of a chance to plan & get things together than I was given for our last camping trip.  Even though it was a great time - it was very unorganized and, to me, that is completely frustrating.  I know that is a bit of my OCD kicking in.  I can't help it.  It would be more fun if you didn't have to run around trying to figure things out and scramble for everything at the last minute!  I just know that I don't want to have to worry or stress about anything while I am sitting there looking at the waves roll in off the Gulf.

Whatever the case ends up being, we are going to enjoy our time together as a family! 

Beach trip from 2 years ago


Warp Speed - Full Stop!

Life tends to get away from you when you aren't looking, doesn't it?

I haven't been keeping up with my blog, but it seems like nothing eventful enough to write about has been going on.  If I really stop for a second (as hard as that is to do) and look around, things have been more than crazy.

Hubby lost his job & had a major surgery that kept him in the hospital for 4 days, my step-father passed away, my sister got her Master's degree, our teen-age boys got into their first trouble with the law, my grandfather passed away, my cousin got married...  This is only a short recap of the past 2 or so months.  No wonder life has seemingly entered warp speed.  But where have I been during all of this?  I couldn't tell you - except for the surgery part because I am still trying to recover from being woken up every hour or so while we were there last week.

I have my 20 year class reunion coming up at the end of the month which I was really looking forward to.  Not just seeing old classmates and friends, but taking vacation for a week or so to see my family on the other side of the world (Texas).  I probably won't be able to make it because we can't afford the extra expense of a trip.  Even just the gas money to get there is as much as a plane ticket!  So unless we can come up with some chunk of money between now & next Friday - it looks like I won't make it.  I am going to try my darnedest to make it though.  I am in desperate need of a break!

Kiddos are doing great!  I just wish that I could do more with them - being summer and all.  The lack of funds came at a rough time - which it always seems to do.

There is a remedy for this coming up soon, though (I hope).

Change is in the wind!