
Appointment update!

Well - the appointment has been rescheduled again. This time because it was scheduled at the same time as my son's end of school awards ceremony. It is now set for Wednesday morning, June 3rd. I am getting anxious about it... not really sure why - I've been through this before... but then again - I was VERY anxious the last time, too!

My morning sickness has pretty much dissipated. I feel bad a couple times a week in the evenings, but other than that - feeling better. I just can't seem to get any energy. I am feeling completely worn down - no matter if I get 4 hours of sleep or 12. I guess I probably need to get on some prenatal vitamins soon.

That is the update for now. More to come soon!



The appointment has been rescheduled for Friday, May 29th @ 1:00pm, for anyone who is reading this! :) Will be made "official" then!


Finally - appointment time!!

Well - I finally was able to set up an appointment to get this made official by a pregnancy test at the doctors office. The appointment is set up for Thursday evening at 5:00pm. After that - I can start seeing the doctor on a more regular basis.

Going on 9 (unofficial) weeks tomorrow... Still feeling the queasiness, but I think that I have found a way to ease the severity of the feeling - EATING PANCAKES FOR BREAKFAST!!!
Not too bad of a way to start the day off... just mix up a quick batch of instant batter & I feel half-way decent throughout most of the day.

I told my baby that I am not getting morning sickness this time - but evening sickness, because that is when I really start feeling like crap. It makes it hard when I come home from work to get dinner on the table. I try my best though. Maybe I should try pancakes for dinner!


"Morning" sickness...

I have unofficially hit my 8-weeks mark today. I am so ready just to get to the doctor so we can make it "official". The morning sickness this time is so different from the last time. It doesn't seem as severe - but is just more constant. I'm not really getting "sick" - just feel queasy for most of the day. The first time - it was on the dot 9:00am - sick - and then was fine for the rest of the day. I know that they say every pregnancy is different - I just hope it is as easy as my first.
I don't really even know how to completely describe how I feel about this whole pregnant again thing!
and Scared!!!!!
but - so far - so good!


Happy Mother's Day!

Just thinking - next year - I will be mommy to 2 wonderful children... wow!


My son's reaction to the news

We told my munchkin about the big news the other day and he said that he had already expected it (because of the bathroom trash - I left a test wrapper in it). He is anything but excited about this. He has had almost 12 years of being an only child and the prospect of having a baby around just does not excite him. I am sure that there is the jealousy that any first-born feels when a second baby is announced (I am a first born). Also - I think that the pre-teen in him is starting to show its rebelious side. Another thing is that he does not like "babysitting". I believe that somewhere down the line - he will come to at least like the fact that he is going to be a big brother! I think that he will make a GREAT big brother! Maybe throughout the pregnancy, he will grow attached to the little one growing inside of me. I think that he will.

Dropping the bomb!!!

(just have always like this pregnant picture! love the footprint - (no - not me))

I just dropped the bomb on my family today! I sent out a mass email telling everyone that I found out I was pregnant! I know that seems a little impersonal - but with family spread out across the western half of the United States, it's kinda hard to get people together for an announcement like this one. I am sure that this will get mixed reactions from everyone! I am waiting for the phone calls this evening after I get home from work - and I am sure they are on the way!

So this new blog is going to be my baby blog - to help keep my family and friends up to date with everything that goes on! Gotta love the internet - when I had my son 12 years ago - the internet was still in its infancy.

So the details as I know them as of this moment is that I am about 6-7 weeks pregnant. I haven't been to the doctor just yet - when I called, they said they usually wait until 8-10 weeks for the first appointment. That means I have to wait just a little longer to have the doctor confirm what my body and 2 at-home tests have already told me. For some reason, though, I don't really feel that it is official until the doctor says "You're pregnant." Call me crazy (many people often do!) but that is just how I tend to see it.

I am not really having morning sickness just yet - just have a little bit of queasiness all day. It seems that when I eat - I am fine - but just after, I get queasy. It's almost as if the only time I am not queasy is when I am actually eating... which is not good for me... but it is good that I am not able to eat as much!!

I know that I am still in the early stages and there is not much to report just yet - but I will try to keep this updated with anything new going on!