
Where has the time gone?

Wow!  It is almost December.  This year has flown by.  Last post was the first day of school.  Definitely time for another one.

Little One got to see Santa last night.  I was dreading it because he can be very unpredictable.  We went to the Christmas parade.  There were cartoon characters which he knows that he refused to even go near!  So after over an hour wait in line, I was worried that either he would run screaming when we got to the front of the line or he would throw an all-out toddler fit before we got there.  Much to my surprise, neither happened!    He went right up to Santa, gave him a high five & did the usual tell me what you want speech.  He even did his HAPPY when I took the picture!
Santa 2012
My Munchkin decided he was too old for Santa pics.  

I'm 15 mother.
We had a good time though, even though Munchkin abandoned us at the beginning of the Santa line!

Christmas is approaching too fast!!  Plus Little One turns THREE a few days before! Where has this year gone?


High School?!?!?!

It's hard to believe that my Baby Boy has grown in to a young man so quickly.  Yesterday, he started high school.  The day I dropped him off in Kindergarten is still fresh in my mind - so how can he be a freshman already?  I kept wondering yesterday morning as I dropped him off if I would break into tears.  Much to my surprise, I didn't.  I could feel myself just beaming with pride.  
This is my Munchkin.
This is my Baby Boy.
This is my oldest son.
This is my pride and joy!

My Munchkin

My Young Man

I had to pinky promise that I wouldn't post his picture on my fb page in order for him to let me take a picture of him.  I honored that promise.  This is my blog!  It's not the same thing!!! ☺


Vacation time!

I am taking a bit of a vacation next week - even though I am not going to be able to make it to my reunion.  Just going to have to wait and see if we do a 25 year reunion!

(yeah - I know - I'm old - shut up!)

I don't know if this would be considered a "stay-cation" or what.  I am taking 3 days off from work so we can do something as a family before the summer is completely over.  So far the general consensus for an activity is camping down at the beach - which is what I have been wanting to do all summer! I think we might be able to manage this.  We already have our tent & coolers & chairs & all the swim gear & most of the camping gear.  The beach is maybe an hour drive from home, so we don't have to worry about gas.  All I have to figure out now is how long I actually want to live in that tent with the kiddos, especially once the newness of camping wears off.   I know I could live on the beach almost indefinitely, but trying to keep the boys entertained is a different story.  So we still haven't completely committed to this beach camping trip just yet.  If this is what we decide to do, I just hope I am given more of a chance to plan & get things together than I was given for our last camping trip.  Even though it was a great time - it was very unorganized and, to me, that is completely frustrating.  I know that is a bit of my OCD kicking in.  I can't help it.  It would be more fun if you didn't have to run around trying to figure things out and scramble for everything at the last minute!  I just know that I don't want to have to worry or stress about anything while I am sitting there looking at the waves roll in off the Gulf.

Whatever the case ends up being, we are going to enjoy our time together as a family! 

Beach trip from 2 years ago


Warp Speed - Full Stop!

Life tends to get away from you when you aren't looking, doesn't it?

I haven't been keeping up with my blog, but it seems like nothing eventful enough to write about has been going on.  If I really stop for a second (as hard as that is to do) and look around, things have been more than crazy.

Hubby lost his job & had a major surgery that kept him in the hospital for 4 days, my step-father passed away, my sister got her Master's degree, our teen-age boys got into their first trouble with the law, my grandfather passed away, my cousin got married...  This is only a short recap of the past 2 or so months.  No wonder life has seemingly entered warp speed.  But where have I been during all of this?  I couldn't tell you - except for the surgery part because I am still trying to recover from being woken up every hour or so while we were there last week.

I have my 20 year class reunion coming up at the end of the month which I was really looking forward to.  Not just seeing old classmates and friends, but taking vacation for a week or so to see my family on the other side of the world (Texas).  I probably won't be able to make it because we can't afford the extra expense of a trip.  Even just the gas money to get there is as much as a plane ticket!  So unless we can come up with some chunk of money between now & next Friday - it looks like I won't make it.  I am going to try my darnedest to make it though.  I am in desperate need of a break!

Kiddos are doing great!  I just wish that I could do more with them - being summer and all.  The lack of funds came at a rough time - which it always seems to do.

There is a remedy for this coming up soon, though (I hope).

Change is in the wind!


Yes, I am still alive.

As usual, I haven't posted in a while.  I had a post just about ready to go a little while back, but kinda just forgot about it.  Not having a computer and internet at home limits what I can write about and when I can write.  I am hoping to change that soon.  Sneaking a post or two in at work every few months doesn't really work.  I'm not even sure what I intended to write in this post.

Let's see...

Here is a bit of an update...

My latest obsession - Pinterest - yeah - I know I will probably never do even close to half of the projects and recipes that I have pinned on there, but it's fun to look at all the pretty pictures!

The boys are getting bigger...  I don't know if I ever mentioned it before, but we have my oldest sons friend living with us now.  So that makes two fourteen year olds and one two year old all rampaging through the house.  Teenage boy hormones & the terrible two's is the norm for our household.  AAAAARGGGGGHHH!  No wonder I have been noticing new gray hairs!

I am actually trying new recipes.  Well - one - and I am trying it tonight.  Let's see how that one goes!  Maybe next post I will get a picture of what we ate!  I am a wanna-be foodie!  I just wish that the rest of my household liked something more than chili dogs & spaghetti.

Well, my mind is about spent (doesn't take much now-a-days) - so for now - OVER & OUT!

hey! I just figured out my next post!  Gotta wait & see!