

My ultrasound appointment got rescheduled (again). The first time, they called me and pushed it further back in the day, which was fine. Then, on my way to my appointment, I got a phone call asking if I could reschedule again because the ultrasound provider got called away on an emergency and they had no idea when she was going to be back. It is an hour drive from where I am to where my appointments are. Since I am going to be out of town this next week, the appointment was rescheduled for June 29th at an entirely different location (another 30 minutes further I have to drive now also).
I am going to go on vacation this coming week! I'm going to visit family and take a few days break from this HEATWAVE that has been hanging over us for the past couple of weeks.
More updates towards the end of the month!!!!


Baby Bump

I can still fit into most of my clothes - but this is what it is going to start taking...

keeping the pants unbuttoned with a large belt to hold it together!!!

I am getting ready to go and visit my family. My sister,who had her baby 3 months ago, said she has maternity clothes to give me!! Thank goodness for hand-me-downs. I grew up with hand-me-downs (even being the oldest child...?) and with the price they want for a decent pair of maternity pants, it is a blessing to get anything!

There is one thing that I have seen that I think might be a decent investment - the Bella Band.

They run from $20 - $30 dollars and come in different colors - pinks, yellows, blues, purples, browns, reds, greens and the basic black and white

This will keep my unbuttoned/belted look from being as tacky as it seems... Luckily I can just wear a long shirt for now to cover it - but I also know that I am on the last notch of the belt... it won't hold out for much longer. Plus - I have noticed - even though my shirts were long before - they seem to be riding up a little more now. I think it has something to do with having more space to cover! (duh! as my munchkin would say)

My ultrasound for tomorrow was rescheduled (for later in the day...) so I will definitely have an update for y'all in the next couple of days!



OK - now I can officially say it - "I AM PREGNANT". I had my doctors appointment this morning. They gave me a due date of December 24, 2009 - a Christmas Eve baby! Like I keep saying, though - If it's anything like my son - I'll have a better chance with the New Years Baby!
I actually got to hear the heartbeat today! That was amazing! I am just barely in my 3rd month - and you can hear the heartbeat!! I don't remember that from my first (12 years ago). The nurse doing the exam said it was very good to hear that strong of a heartbeat this early!
They said they wanted to schedule me for an early ultrasound to verify how far along I am - which has more to do with my age than the verification, I believe. The nurse said that 35 was the "magic age" and that's what I will be turning next month. I am going to have to go through some kind of special genetic counseling/screening because I am "old" (because of my age...). I know that I am not really old - but the way they were talking to me - you'd think I was almost ancient already! So, in 2 weeks, I have an ultrasound appointment and then 2 weeks after that is my next regular appointment.
More to come!!!


11 Weeks

Well - today is 11 weeks - per all the pregnancy counter and calendars I have looked at. Hard to believe that I am almost 3 months along! I have my first doctor's appointment tomorrow - FINALLY! I will get all the details for those interested! After having to reschedule it a couple of times - I am definitely ready to get in there and get it over and done with. Then I can "officially" say that I am pregnant. I have a tiny bit of a baby-bump showing - but that kinda blends in with the non-baby-bump that has accumulated there over the past couple of years. I am still wearing regular clothes (for now). I guess only I can tell the difference - and maybe my man - but he hasn't really said anything about it. I am just really anxious to find out if I am going to have a boy or a girl. When I was pregnant with my son - I KNEW he was a boy from the beginning, but this time - I am not sure. My man says it's going to be a girl, so maybe his instincts are right - who knows for sure... I don't have a preference either way - just as long as everything is fine when my newborn is introduced into the world. I have to figure out who I am going to be getting the hand-me-downs from!! My sister just had a little girl 3 months ago, and my other sister has an 18-month old boy! Plus I have a friend here who has a few essentials still left over from when her 3-year old was younger. So - I think that either way - boy or girl - I will be pretty much covered in that department. I am not too excited about going baby shopping just yet, but I am sure that will change as the next few months pass!