

OK - now I can officially say it - "I AM PREGNANT". I had my doctors appointment this morning. They gave me a due date of December 24, 2009 - a Christmas Eve baby! Like I keep saying, though - If it's anything like my son - I'll have a better chance with the New Years Baby!
I actually got to hear the heartbeat today! That was amazing! I am just barely in my 3rd month - and you can hear the heartbeat!! I don't remember that from my first (12 years ago). The nurse doing the exam said it was very good to hear that strong of a heartbeat this early!
They said they wanted to schedule me for an early ultrasound to verify how far along I am - which has more to do with my age than the verification, I believe. The nurse said that 35 was the "magic age" and that's what I will be turning next month. I am going to have to go through some kind of special genetic counseling/screening because I am "old" (because of my age...). I know that I am not really old - but the way they were talking to me - you'd think I was almost ancient already! So, in 2 weeks, I have an ultrasound appointment and then 2 weeks after that is my next regular appointment.
More to come!!!

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