
11 Weeks

Well - today is 11 weeks - per all the pregnancy counter and calendars I have looked at. Hard to believe that I am almost 3 months along! I have my first doctor's appointment tomorrow - FINALLY! I will get all the details for those interested! After having to reschedule it a couple of times - I am definitely ready to get in there and get it over and done with. Then I can "officially" say that I am pregnant. I have a tiny bit of a baby-bump showing - but that kinda blends in with the non-baby-bump that has accumulated there over the past couple of years. I am still wearing regular clothes (for now). I guess only I can tell the difference - and maybe my man - but he hasn't really said anything about it. I am just really anxious to find out if I am going to have a boy or a girl. When I was pregnant with my son - I KNEW he was a boy from the beginning, but this time - I am not sure. My man says it's going to be a girl, so maybe his instincts are right - who knows for sure... I don't have a preference either way - just as long as everything is fine when my newborn is introduced into the world. I have to figure out who I am going to be getting the hand-me-downs from!! My sister just had a little girl 3 months ago, and my other sister has an 18-month old boy! Plus I have a friend here who has a few essentials still left over from when her 3-year old was younger. So - I think that either way - boy or girl - I will be pretty much covered in that department. I am not too excited about going baby shopping just yet, but I am sure that will change as the next few months pass!

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